Dec 27, 2020
In this episode, Ben & Tom medically review the 1988 Christmas comedy Scrooged starring Bill Murrary.
We broke it down into two sections, the physical injuries and trauma and then the mental health aspects of the movie. From the Ballbreaker Suite to hallucinations from Russian Vodka poisoned from Cherynobyl to...
Dec 20, 2020
In this installment of JSP, Tom and Ben look at student loan reimbursement options through HRSA.... or at least attempt too. This show does go off the rails at times but the information is still good. There are two programs through HRSA and those are the National Health Service Corps and Nurse Corps as those are...
Dec 5, 2020
Join us for this episode, as Ben & Tom welcome David, Nurse Papa, to the Just Some Podcast Media family. David is a pediatric oncology nurse and father and over time has learned how those roles intersect. He's taking those lessons learned and provides a lighter take on parenting, dispensing wisdom as Nurse Papa. ...